2022 was another successful season at the club. We had about 18 Sunday race days from April through November. Attendance was very good with anywhere from 6 to 12 competitors. We had about 5 different sailors who “won the day”. Pete Madonna was the fleet champion for 2022. Eve Walters gets the most improved sailor award! Our Spring & Fall regattas were both well attended. Allyn Miner won the PA Laser Championship and Pete won the fall regatta. We had 5 MCSC members travel to several away regattas in MD and NJ. Mark and Vince extended their seasons with the frostbite series at CRYC. After 12 years of serving the club as Commodore, it was time to pass the torch. Pete is stepping down and Vince Harris is the new commodore. Vince has been active in the club for a few years now. He has returned to Lasers after racing J24s and a few other boats. Vince has a lot of enthusiasm for the club and really enjoys helping people get out racing. We are fortunate to have him. Thanks Pete for all of your efforts to keep the club humming along, it’s been fun!

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